Orionids is a community initiative by Orion Solidified to help deploy fully customizable creator-owned ERC721 (non-fungible), ERC1155 (multi-token), and leading to ERC 2535 (diamond, multi-facet) Smart Contracts and minting dApps.


Breaking into the NFT space can be a challenge for new creators. With Orionids: Collective Initiate, we bring the power of established partner communities to assist creators who are new to the space.

Further, we advocate non-proxied Smart Contract as the gold standard for the future of complete creator freedom in the NFT space. Once the Smart Contract ownership is in the creator's hand, no future censorship can interfere with the creator's vision.


Deployment & Gas Optimized ERC721 Smart Contract

Instead of using OpenZeppelin's implementation of IERC721 and IERC721Enumberable, we have written an optimized version of several critically important functions to help save transaction fees at the contract deployment and token minting.

Instant or delayed reveal

The creator may choose to reveal NFTs at the point of minting or when all NFTs have been sold-out. If the creator opted in for a delayed reveal, please note that the reveal function can be called once per Smart contract.

Withdrawal to personal wallets or a payment splitter contract

The creator may provide a withdrawal wallet/s, either a hot wallet like Metamask or a cold wallet/s like Ledger, to withdraw funds from the Smart Contract.

We also can help deploy a proxied version of a payment splitter contract. A payment splitter contract may eliminate any errors in transferring funds manually. The creator will have to reimburse the deployment fee for the payment splitter contract to the Orion community wallet.

The contract owner must have enough ETH to pay the transaction fee to execute this withdrawal function.

Allowlist functionality

Orionids Smart Contracts support allowlist/presale prior to public sale. We recommend a minimum of 50 tokens if you plan to use the allowlist. The creator should collect a list of non-ENS wallet addresses and submit them for allowlists.

Please note this transaction costs a transaction fee and do not include in our free offering.